Category: Uncategorized

  • The Forbidden Fruit

    Introduction The “forbidden fruit”, or the apple of good and evil, from the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden, a symbol steeped in cultural and religious lore, offers a profound metaphorical insight into human consciousness and morality. In my contemplative journey as an artist, this concept has transcended its biblical origins, evolving into […]

  • The Clash of Godless Rationalism and Romanticism: Unveiling the Dionysian Spirit

    Introduction: Throughout human history, the battle between reason and emotion has shaped societal beliefs and values. In contemporary society, a prevailing thesis can be identified as godless rationalism, wherein the emphasis on logic, science, and empiricism dominates. However, as an antithesis emerges, romanticism offers an alternative perspective that celebrates the realm of emotions, intuition, and […]

  • A Higher Synthesis

    Spirit and matter. Night and day. Subjective and objective. Right and left brain. Yin and yang. It seems duality is a fundamental aspect of reality, and shapes our perceptions of the inner and outer worlds. However, with the march of the left brain to its present dominate role since the enlightenment and scientific revolution, the […]

  • The Rebirth of Faith

    The 20th century saw the flourishing of the scientific revolution in its attempt to discern the math and logic behind all phenomena. It was a century of endless studies into matter, energy, as well as the mind and human behaviour, and has so far continued into the 21st century. The objective world has been meticulously […]

  • The Casualties of Modernity

    The 20th century left many things wounded or dead in its wake. A shattered Greek vase, a vandalized Madonna and child, a fractured statue of the Buddha. All things that once meant much to humanity, but were abused and tossed out as delusion by modernity. Instead, in their place, reason, science and statistics were elevated […]

  • Man’s Favorite Tool

    Reason has always been one of man’s greatest tools. With the long march of modernity from the Enlightenment to the 21st century logic and science has firmly established the mechanical and mathematical nature of matter and the objective world. With this knowledge the engineers have dazzled us for over a century with their mechanical and […]

  • The New Saviour

    As conventional religion has stopped meeting most peoples needs as a way to deal with the mystery and mortality of life in the past century, these needs have been nonetheless met by a new, albeit implicit, source. It seems that the new supreme deity is now science, with its promises of salvation with its statistical […]

  • Non Religious Faith

    Like a lot of people these days, organized religion doesn’t do it for me, with its rigid rituals and dogmatic positions. Since reading Nietzsche as an undergrad, I have thought like him that Christianity and morality are problematic. I interpreted his statement that “God is Dead” to mean the Christian God was no longer going […]

  • Heart Over Head

    It seems the head reigns supreme these days. The long march of reason, and its offspring science, from the days of Socrates and Plato through the Renaissance and Enlightenment to the present day has put forth rational argument and empiricism as the pinnacle of methods in the search for truth. Man’s left hemisphere or reason […]

  • Mystery, Humility and Wonder

    With all the science and statistics gushing forth from the past century, celebrated by the bright light of the media, it seems to some that the answers to our most profound questions have been answered, and the doctors and engineers have everything under control. Although the rise of reason and humanism was a reaction against […]